Thursday 12 July 2012

Antibes: Loving life.

OK, so making a blog called 'Will we even make it to Gatwick' was probably tempting fate. As it happened we ran into a mysterious 'Police Accident' halfway to the airport down an eerie, unmarked, country lane. But we made it eventually and are now sitting in the most luxurious apartment I have ever seen (thank you to the Dhabalia family) snacking on olives and applying copious amounts of aftersun. Equipped with the pearls of wisdom from our parents - which side of the planes and trains to sit on and 'you never know when you'll need a pashmina', we can finally begin the trip we've been planning, un-planning and re-planning for the last few months.

Needless to say we went to the beach, to the market, to the supermarket and generally wandered around. I tried to upload a photo but the wifi ain't happy, so you'll just have to take my word that we're all ridiculously tanned and beautiful and not at all tired-looking from our 2am start and burnt like crayfish. Instead you'll have to deal with this generic internet photo, but trust me - the water is just as blue in real life. Ahhhhh I love Antibes! x


  1. Well done, Enjoy it and take care of my baby! (ambers daddy)

  2. All sounds fab and glamorous and wonderful! Lots of love and take care of each other xxx (Tilly's mumma)

  3. Oops, meant to post that last comment on your most recent post! Techie amateur! xx
