Sunday 15 July 2012

Antibes: Poodle at the PamPam

The days are all merging into one now, I can't remember hoe long ago it was that we saw a boy emerge from the sea carrying nothing but a dead fish, which heProceeded to carry into his tent and never emerge back out again. We went to Juan les Pins both last night and the night before and somehow ended up hearing Norah jones perform (in both English and French) jazz for the Juan jazz festival (of which I greatly approve, especially as Tom jones is scheduled for Monday). Went for cocktails at le PamPam, a brazilian bar complete with samba dancers and cocktails out of coconuts carved into odd monkeys that stared at us as we drank. As you may have gathered from the title - there was als a poodle in the PamPam, it was just that kind of place. Ended up in the Hemingway cafe - a cocktail bar with Ernest Hemingway's face stoically staring down from the entrance, but otherwise had nothing to do with it's namesake. Last night we went to the old town, wandered around the yacht docks, pretending we belonged, and bought some lush tapenade. After finding out that both the Cannes and Juan les Pins fireworks (for bastille day) were cancelled, we decided to go straight to le Village. After becoming used to the fusion lifestyle at home of free entry until 11,the French way of not going out unilateral 12.30 felt like a struggle. It was a crazy place, however, and very well worth it. In amber's words, this was the 'made in chelsea' of France, with entry alone being 20euros and e cheapest thing on te menu we were presented with being 110euros (the most expensive bottle was a casual 3000euros). We also found the PamPam dancer and his friends there, each of us in turn realising, yelling "PamPam!" and taking a picture with him. Today we've been beaching and eating and will probably continue in a similar vain for the remainder of the day, along with desperately trying to work out what the name of the pampam song. X


  1. Am being sent these posts by email, but how do i follow on blogspot? Cannot work it out! xx

  2. Done it! It is pouring with rain almost the whole time over here. Hope you lot are enjoying some good old mediterranean sunshine xxx
